管件加工運用-流鑽 Flow Drilling

第一次見到了流鑽的技術,內心就覺得”真是太神奇了” 但是甚麼叫做流鑽,為何要稱之為流鑽呢? 也有另外一種說法稱之為熱熔鑽。 那甚麼狀況需要使用這種技術? 我查了一下維京百科 (From wikipedia) 發現了英文版本的說明更可以貼切的讓大家清楚。 有興趣的朋友也可以自己點入連結查看一下完整版的內容 Friction drilling is a method of making holes in metal in which the material is pushed out of the way with the aid of heat from friction. The process is also called thermal drilling, flow drilling, form drilling, or friction stir drilling.[1] Friction drilling is commonly used…