訂製沖弧機, 客製化沖弧口專用機, 與一般的標準切管機不同. 專用機設備是依照客戶加工管件需求訂做切弧口機台, 沖弧口,切弧口 切特殊形狀,客製化專用機 訂製款油壓機. 適用於, 摩托車車管切弧口,摩托車車架切弧口, 腳踏車車架沖弧/切弧口, 家具管件切弧口, 醫療設備管件沖弧口, 樓梯欄杆等. 非一般切管機可以做到的效果, 一般切管機切口90度垂直, 但是特殊弧口, 一天要生產上千支切口管件, 就需要特殊模具設計搭配訂做刀具製作完成.

Double end notching machine HC8876B

Double end notching machine HC8876B HCN.16273 Double end cutting machine, arc cutting machine, pipe machining machine Raw material: Square pipe, round pipe Operation: Manual feed, pandel switch start, clamp die, cutting, unclamp die, manual unload Machine features: It has both manual and automatic functions, and is equipped with an emergency stop device which has high…